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Emily is a destination wedding photographer based along the Carolina Coast. Deep sentimentality, a belief in the beauty of marriage and an appreciation for the details that make each wedding unique have fueled the dedication and artistry behind her work for more than a decade.

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Carly + Henry’s West Village Engagement Session

June 2023

West Village Engagement Session

Where do I begin with Carly and Henry’s West Village engagement session?? For starters, it was as if all the stars aligned to give us the most beautiful evening for pictures. Clear skies gave way to perfect golden light on New York City’s first warm day of the year. Everyone was out – restaurant patios were overflowing, sunbathers crowded Washington Square Park until you could hardly see the grass and nearly all the streets were filled with people going here and there enjoying the beautiful weather.

But, because this evening was *perfect* we snagged a spot at Jeffrey’s Grocery no problem where Carly and Henry did what they do best – enjoy oysters and wine ;) From there we wandered over to a quiet street lined with the prettiest brownstones. I thought we’d be dodging photo bombers and crowds, but nope! Apart from a few other pedestrians, we basically had the place to ourselves! Then we finished our stroll to the waterfront where we enjoyed the last bit of sunset and pretended the skyline view on the other side was Brooklyn (hint: it’s that other state haha).

And as if all that wasn’t enough for my photographer heart, Carly and Henry had to go and be the two sweetest humans alive. I loved exploring their neighborhood with them as much I as loved just hanging out with them. From Carly’s affection for their height difference (relatable!) to the way Henry just looks at Carly like he’s infatuated with every cell of her being, these two are the best. Safe to say I’m *so excited* for their wedding at Castle Hill Inn this fall.

Thanks for bringing me up to the city, friends! It was so fun spending such a perfect evening with you both!


Film Processing by Photovision Prints

West Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village NYC Engagement SessionWest Village Engagement SessionWest Village Engagement SessionWest Village Engagement Session

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creating bespoke images while providing an elevated, yet approachable experience

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The Best Ways to Savor your Engagement

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The season of engagement is one marked by so much joy and anticipation, but it can be easily overwhelmed with wedding to-do lists and tasks. The fleeting chapter leading up to your wedding day deserves its own measure of celebration and enjoyment! Download my free guide for the best ways to savor the season of your engagement.

Brand and Website Design by With Grace and Gold

Copyright 2024 Emily March Photography